Center for Private Company Excellence Seminar: Income Tax Structuring Considerations for Companies in Transition – Managing Income Taxes in Your Transition Plan
Thursday, October 18
Tax implications upon the transition of a business are oftentimes considered later in the process. These issues usually arise when an exit is imminent. It is important to understand the options business owners have for an exit plan, while also understanding the after-tax cash flows and overall tax considerations.
Whether you've already started planning for transition or are still uncertain of the tax implications of such a feat, this seminar will provide valuable information to help ensure your company is more informed about the overall tax planning associated with a transition plan.
Join us for this interactive and informative program which will explore:
- Understanding the options available for an exit, and the respective tax considerations that relate to each option
- The impact income taxes have on cash flow upon an exit
- Identifying items to consider planning for in the short-term for an exit in the long-term
- Brian D. Kitchen, Director, Kreischer Miller
Watch the video: