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Center for Private Company Excellence Webinar: Improving Profits in a Tight Labor Market

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
8:00am - 10:00am

When companies set their strategy, their focus is often on the top line as a means to drive bottom line growth. Increasing top line growth is normally a good strategy; however, in the current environment where labor is constrained, this approach becomes very difficult.

The most significant way for a company to increase its profit growth is to take a hard look at all of its customers to determine which drive profits and which detract from profits. In today's environment, companies that want to grow their bottom line have to do so by focusing their limited resources on their best customers that make the most significant profit contribution.

This informative program provided resources for conducting a customer assessment as a mechanism for maximizing your company's profits in today's labor-constrained environment.

Agenda items included:

  • Why understanding the economics of your customer relationships is so critical
  • How to pinpoint the profile of your ideal customer and sort your customers into groups based on this profile
  • How to ensure you are focusing your capacity and resources on the opportunities that will be the most profitable for your company


Click here to download the slides from the presentation.

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