Webinar: Tax Topics Impacting the 2021 Filing Season & 2022 Outlook
Thursday, March 3, 2022
9:00am - 10:00am
Over the past year, there has been a great deal of speculation about whether the Biden administration would implement tax increases. While that proposed legislation appears to be stalled for the foreseeable future, it is important to not lose sight of a tax topic that is more certain: the expiring Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) provisions. The landmark Tax Cuts & Jobs Act was passed in December 2017. Many of its favorable tax cut provisions are scheduled to expire in 2025.
This informative webinar provided an overview of the timeline for expiring TCJA provisions. We also shared an overview of timely topics that may impact the 2021 tax filing season.
- Lisa Pileggi, Director-in-Charge, Tax Strategies
- Kate Stewart, Manager, Tax Strategies
Click here to download the slides from the presentation.