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Webinar: What Every Business Needs to Know About the Employee Retention Credit

Friday, January 29, 2021
8:30am - 9:30am

On December 27, 2020 President Trump signed into law a new $900 billion round of coronavirus-related relief to help businesses and individuals struggling with the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Within the provisions of the law is a new enhanced refundable credit opportunity - the Employee Retention Credit - which has the ability to provide a cash funding source for businesses that have been and continue to be impacted by the pandemic.

The Employee Retention Credit is available retroactively to March 12, 2020 for qualifying businesses, even if they received PPP loans under rounds 1 and 2.

This informative webinar provides an overview of the Employee Retention Credit, including:

  • Which businesses and industries will qualify for the credit retroactively to 2020 and how they can be eligible in 2021
  • How the credit is calculated under the new rules
  • The various options to claim the credit
  • The interaction of claiming the credit with PPP loan forgiveness


Click here to download the slides from the presentation.

Watch the video from the webinar:

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